Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Gay Night Life

Most gays love fun and partying.They take the word night life to a whole new level.But one thing I have noticed is that the level of irresponsible drinking and unprotected casual sex has increased amongst gay people.Gay people are the life of the party but they need to be responsible.Gays do uncalled for things when they drunk that includes converting straight people.I think Sometimes homophobia is not caused by hate but it is caused by the fear of the things gay people do when they are drunk.
• Most gay people would try to convert a straight guy into gay when they are drunk,which is the same as homophobia
• Most gay. people engage in unprotected casual sex in public areas which includes public toilets,parks etc.Straight people losses repect for gay people due to this behaviour.

There is still a strugle against homophobia but most gay people are giving the society reasons to be homophobic.There is nothing wrong with partying but we need to be responsible and maintain our reputation.If we can not maintain the morals and ethics of being gay,how do we expect society to respect us?we have a lot of campaighns against homophobia,for this campaighns to be succesfull our actions and behavior needs to complement this campaigns.Partying is in our gay blood,let's do it safe and responsible.After all our acceptance depends on our conduct of good behavior.Enjoy the party life.