Friday, September 28, 2012

Is the media doing enough to fight against homophobia?

Homophobia is still a growing issue in South Africa. Homosexuality is still socially sensitive to the society. But the media is not doing enough to help fight homophobia. We hardly ever see positive portrayal of homosexual characters in the media. Homosexuality is highly Miss-represented by the media. For us to move forward the media should promote the following:

-More homosexual scenes in the media (TV soaps,Dramas,movies e.t.c)
-More homosexual life style talk shows.
-More homosexual role models,presenters and actors should be presented to the media.
-All talk shows must also focus on homosexuality topics as well.
-Adverts about the support groups available to homosexual individual who needs support
-More homosexual sports personnel on television.
-Homosexual artists being promoted by the media.

The media should make an effort to help fight against homophobia. Glee is one of the greatest international social shows  to have aired in South Africa. There is more to offer despite sexuality. If the media promotes more homosexual characters the society will learn that there is more gays,lesbians and bisexuals have to offer than the stereotypical perceptions . This will help eradicate stereotypes that clouds people from making an objective judgement of character. After all we all human.