Saturday, April 21, 2012

Let's talk Somizi.

Gay Maestro SomGaGa
Somizi Mhlongo also known as SomGaGa is one of South Africa's style icons and music legends.Somizi is one of few successful homosexual Celebrities who expresses themselves through music and fashion.He accepts no limits and he is one trendsetter to look out for.He is an inspiration to young gays and lesbians as he is not ashamed of his sexuality.Somizi leaves a mark where ever he goes with his unique fashion sense and a very broad confident personality.A lot of people sees him as the gay ambassador,He deserves a life time award of being one of the most inspirational gay celebrities in South Africa.The gay industry is proud to have such people like Somizi who challenges life and are not afraid to take a risks.This blog post is dedicated to the maestro in recognition of his work well done.Keep up the exceptional work you are doing and keep on being an inspiration. Do you think the go getter and trend setter Somizi is a perfect candidate to be used as an ambassador to campaign against homophobia?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .  


  1. Somizi Mhlongo is not only an icon of homosexuality. I mean the guy has done a lot of good work for the entertainment industry and his sexuality has nothing to do with it. He should be acknoledged for the work he does and not his sexuality.

  2. i agree there, but it is kind of hard to over look his sexuallity.

  3. Yes he is a real inspiration but most importantly no matter who you are and where you from cameras do not give you fame on its own it is you becoming who you want to be, being who are and accepting that, also giving your all because it is rally what you want despite all the critics that surrounds you that is what makes you a inspiration to yourself and to so many you do not know about.

  4. What has Somizi inspired homosexuals to do? he does amazing work, yes, but what has he done for the gay community that makes him deserving of an award?

  5. We need to remember that somizi's sexuality is part of his fame.he is one of the few out gay celebrities in south africa.So his sexuality needs to be aknowledged.bare mind that he is a public figure,so its not easy to over look his sexuality.

  6. We all have different views on this one,and all views are acknowledged.But it all comes down to somizi being an inspiration,that's what he did.The fact that he did what most people could not do which is coming out and being proud,and all his successes.That I think makes him worthy of recieving a life time many "out" gay people we know?.somizi is showing young gays that there's no harm in being freely gay.hence he is an inpiration.
