Saturday, October 6, 2012

Johannesburg Gay Pride picture Gallery

The annual South African Johannesburg Gay pride was held on the 6th October 2012 at zoolake in parktown. The event was very successful with a turnover of close to 20 thousand people. Here is a sneak pic of what went down:

1.South African Joburg Pride main event

1.After Party at Baseline Newtown

Looking forward to the next gay pride in October 2013. The media coverage for 2012 South African Joburg Pride was excellent and the marketing was well executed. We had more turnover this year than last year. The media did its job by putting this event on the map. We even had visitors from overseas. The event was very successful thanks to the media relations team that worked on the South African Joburg pride 2012.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Is the media doing enough to fight against homophobia?

Homophobia is still a growing issue in South Africa. Homosexuality is still socially sensitive to the society. But the media is not doing enough to help fight homophobia. We hardly ever see positive portrayal of homosexual characters in the media. Homosexuality is highly Miss-represented by the media. For us to move forward the media should promote the following:

-More homosexual scenes in the media (TV soaps,Dramas,movies e.t.c)
-More homosexual life style talk shows.
-More homosexual role models,presenters and actors should be presented to the media.
-All talk shows must also focus on homosexuality topics as well.
-Adverts about the support groups available to homosexual individual who needs support
-More homosexual sports personnel on television.
-Homosexual artists being promoted by the media.

The media should make an effort to help fight against homophobia. Glee is one of the greatest international social shows  to have aired in South Africa. There is more to offer despite sexuality. If the media promotes more homosexual characters the society will learn that there is more gays,lesbians and bisexuals have to offer than the stereotypical perceptions . This will help eradicate stereotypes that clouds people from making an objective judgement of character. After all we all human.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Soweto Pride

Soweto Gay pride is fast approaching. Soweto is known as one of the legendary townships in South Africa. Soweto was the center of apartheid activities. Soweto reminds us about the violation of human rights during the early and mid 20th century. Gay right were also violated but the difference is that the violation of queer individuals rights were not motivated by race. Prior to the main annual Johannesburg Pride that will be taking place on the 6 October 2012 at zoo lake sports club,Soweto will also be hosting their annual Soweto pride on the 29 September 2012 in preparation for the main pride. All provinces should adopt this initiative of hosting provincial Marches for queer individual. This will help in promoting gay rights and educating society about homosexuality on a national scale. Gay marches are good for eradicating homophobia.Click here.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Gay Marriage

Post 1994 saw Saw South Africa transforming into a democratic country.The bill of rights and the constitution was drafted and a lot of things were legalized including gay marriage.Gay marriage includes a binding contract between two people of the same sex Bind together by the law.The process of gay marriage is the same as any other form of marriage.Gay marriage has been legalised in over 66 states.Africa is one of the continents that is still trailing when coming to granting rights to queer individuals.I honestly think campaigns against Miss-treating of queer should not only be executed locally but also try to help those helpless homosexual individual in Africa.It is morally wrong to deny one's identity and  chance to get married to whoever they want.whether you are gay,lesbian,bisexual,transsexual or straight you are entitled to be handed in marriage.Marriage is between two people who love each other not a social statement.Therefore gay marriage is  as real as any other.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gay Pride

The South African gay pride is fast approaching.I am really excited and can not wait to  wear that beautiful gay outfit stacked up in my closet somewhere.This feeling of excitement is common among gay community when pride is fast approaching.This is the only day Homosexual individuals can be themselves and embrace their sexuality without out side influence.But I really think everyday should be pride day where every individual of all sexual orientation is proud of who they are.Gay,straight,lesbian,bisexual,transgender etc no matter your sexuality,no one is less human.After all "change happens out of the absence of judgment and the presence of love.No matter how different you are,you will always find someone who accepts you.Let's anticipate gay pride day by making everyday pride day.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Gay Night Life

Most gays love fun and partying.They take the word night life to a whole new level.But one thing I have noticed is that the level of irresponsible drinking and unprotected casual sex has increased amongst gay people.Gay people are the life of the party but they need to be responsible.Gays do uncalled for things when they drunk that includes converting straight people.I think Sometimes homophobia is not caused by hate but it is caused by the fear of the things gay people do when they are drunk.
• Most gay people would try to convert a straight guy into gay when they are drunk,which is the same as homophobia
• Most gay. people engage in unprotected casual sex in public areas which includes public toilets,parks etc.Straight people losses repect for gay people due to this behaviour.

There is still a strugle against homophobia but most gay people are giving the society reasons to be homophobic.There is nothing wrong with partying but we need to be responsible and maintain our reputation.If we can not maintain the morals and ethics of being gay,how do we expect society to respect us?we have a lot of campaighns against homophobia,for this campaighns to be succesfull our actions and behavior needs to complement this campaigns.Partying is in our gay blood,let's do it safe and responsible.After all our acceptance depends on our conduct of good behavior.Enjoy the party life.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

corrective rape

This is a term used to refer to raping someone who is homosexual to "cure them" of their sexual orientation.We had numerous cases over the years where gays and lesbians are raped to be cured.This is a result of illiteracy among ethnic groups as they frame homosexuality as a sin from religion and cultural point of view.South Africa has one of the most advanced constitutions in the world that protects gays and lesbians.But the media and government are not doing enough to campaign against homophobia by implemanting educational programmes and news stories that will Frame homosexuality in  positive way.People model what they see in the media and if it is framed in a positive way people will end up accepting it.It is about time the media play its part to end the negative stereotypes against homosexuality.