Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gay Pride

The South African gay pride is fast approaching.I am really excited and can not wait to  wear that beautiful gay outfit stacked up in my closet somewhere.This feeling of excitement is common among gay community when pride is fast approaching.This is the only day Homosexual individuals can be themselves and embrace their sexuality without out side influence.But I really think everyday should be pride day where every individual of all sexual orientation is proud of who they are.Gay,straight,lesbian,bisexual,transgender etc no matter your sexuality,no one is less human.After all "change happens out of the absence of judgment and the presence of love.No matter how different you are,you will always find someone who accepts you.Let's anticipate gay pride day by making everyday pride day.


  1. Acceptence is very important,and to accept everybody the way they are.

  2. That is very true hey,especialy at this day and age.

  3. I agree with the fact that "change happens in the absence of judgement but presence of love", and that evry day should be a day that people embrace themselves and not their sexuality. Sexuality shuold not be considered as human identity.

  4. it is vital that we all treat each other with respect and leave all the judgings to God cause after all nobody is perfect.
