Friday, August 24, 2012

Gay Marriage

Post 1994 saw Saw South Africa transforming into a democratic country.The bill of rights and the constitution was drafted and a lot of things were legalized including gay marriage.Gay marriage includes a binding contract between two people of the same sex Bind together by the law.The process of gay marriage is the same as any other form of marriage.Gay marriage has been legalised in over 66 states.Africa is one of the continents that is still trailing when coming to granting rights to queer individuals.I honestly think campaigns against Miss-treating of queer should not only be executed locally but also try to help those helpless homosexual individual in Africa.It is morally wrong to deny one's identity and  chance to get married to whoever they want.whether you are gay,lesbian,bisexual,transsexual or straight you are entitled to be handed in marriage.Marriage is between two people who love each other not a social statement.Therefore gay marriage is  as real as any other.


  1. I would like to go to a gay wedding, it looks very interesting.

  2. I never sow this with my physical eyes is it realy happening? so tell me SA Pride have you ver attended this event.

  3. but if we look at this from a christian view isnt this opposing God's commandments?i mean the was adam and Eve nt Adam and steve. SO NOW IF TWO PEople of the same sex are marrying then how will they make a child and raise that child?WHERE ARE the morals?

  4. Khanyisile it is very beautiful hey,same as any other marriage,the process is the same.young and free yes I have attended a gay marriage in 2010 and there was nothing new,it was the most beautiful weading I have ever see beacause it between queer individuals who inspired me.I will also like to get married someday.Pertu not everyone is cristian,and I don't think god has a checklist of who marries who,I do embrace your view and I respect your religion.But remember in Gods eyes "change happens at the absence of judgement and the presence of love" in his eyes we all the same..there r people who are fonicating,committing udultery,stealing,killing being gay seem to be persived as extreme,judging based on the 10 commandments no sin is deeper than the other.
