Friday, March 16, 2012

The facts

Four men found guilty of killing a 19 year old lesbian have each been sentenced to 18 years in jail..Zoliswa Nkonyana was stabbed and stoned to death in a homophobic attack near Cape Town in February 2006 ( Q News-South Africa-Hate Killers Sentenced-February 21st ,2012 -5:45pm)..This is a wake up call,are you willing to spend 18 years in jail for doing something you could have avoided?.Homophobia is a punishable offence.It helps to know that our justice system is doing something about homophobic attacks,but is it enough?... Read more


  1. This really is wrong, why should people judge and attack others based on thier sexuality? i think if our leaders could set an example to accept gays and lesbians, surely our people will follow.

  2. Its human rights day on 21st march 2012,homophobia should be emphasised this week.

  3. I do not understand why homosexuals are still being attacked. I thought this was a free country and everyone had the right to be whatever they want to be.

  4. The country is not free untill we accept each other

  5. My concern is, How can we accept each other? Or should the goverment also play a role in this situation since people wont be free in this country?

  6. @ mbhoni the government together with the people needs to set standards and adhere to the principles of democracy.
