Friday, March 9, 2012

The brief

South Africa is a free country full of open minded people and our Constitution is one of the best in the world.The fact that gay marriages are legalised in south Africa shows progress,other people in some African countries are not as fortunate as we are.but we still have a long way to go,we have things like 16 days of activism against children and women abuse. but the fact that remains is that not only children and women are being abused.Besides the South African gay pride which is more of a celebration of the sexuality,it would be reasonable if the government include campaigns against homophobia within those 16 days of activism to promote Equality.The constitution alone will not stop homophobia until we do something as a nation,few is not enough..The incident we had previously with Judge Mogoeng mogoeng about his views towards homosexuality puts the constitution in question,perhaps it is a good thing that the constitution be reviewed..But i am proud as the level of homophobic attacks has decreased,but a lot of work needs to be done..South African bill of rights and homosexuality Aversion project during the apparteid error Read more

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